How do I get access to the online trading services?
You can apply online or contact your Dealer's Representative for assistance.
What do I need before I trade online?
  • A trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
  • A Central Depository System Account with Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd.
  • Access to RHB Share Trading.
What are the appropriate steps to submit account opening application via online?
Sign up online here. Our dealer will contact you within 3 working days to assist you on the Trading Account and CDS Account opening application.
Can I start trading after submitted my online trading
application and mandatory documents?
You can only begin trading after your account has been approved by RHB Investment Bank Berhad and after depositing money into your account. All deposits are placed in a Client Trust Account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad as required by Section 44 of Securities Industry Act 1983. Once your account has been approved, you will receive a secured email for the said notification. Use this information together with your Username and Password, which you keyed in during your online application to login. You are required to create your Trading PIN on your first login. You can then access your account online and commence trading.
What can I trade through RHB Share Trading?
All stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia, SGX, HKEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX as provided by RHB Share Trading.
Which stockbroking firm am I trading with?
All stock trading via RHB Share Trading is handled by RHB Investment Bank Berhad, a participating organization of Bursa Malaysia.
Can I still access RHB Share Trading from overseas?
Yes you may, so long as you have internet connection and the appropriate system requirements.
I'm a non-Malaysian, can I still open an account?
Yes, you can. However, you need to comply with the Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) foreign exchange rules and regulations.
What are pre-open and pre-close phases?
The Pre-Open phase is a 30-minute session before regular trading starts at 0900 hrs. It comprises the Pre-Open and the Non-Cancel periods.

During the Pre-Open period (0830 - 0859 hrs), buy and sell orders can be entered, amended or withdrawn. However, they will not be matched and executed during this period.

The Non-Cancel period (0859 and 0900 hrs) does not allow input, amendment and withdrawal of orders. Orders are matched and executed at a single computed price, which will be the same as or better than the price at which the orders are entered. This computed price shall be the opening price for the day. Unmatched orders will be queued for regular trading.

During the Pre-Close phase (1645 - 1649 hrs), orders are still accepted and automatically updated in the order book, but no trades are executed. A theoretical Closing Price (TCP) based on orders entered, is dynamically calculated.
Can I track my favorite stocks?
Yes you can by selecting a list of favorite stocks. For more information on how to do this, visit our RHB Share Trading User Guide.
When will my trade orders be executed?
All trades will be executed during normal Bursa Malaysia trading hours. In the morning session, the trading hours are from 9.00a.m. to 12.30p.m. (Malaysian time). For the afternoon session, trading is from 2.30p.m. to 5.00p.m. (Malaysian time).
How am I notified of my trade executions?
You can go to Order Status to check your trade status. A contract note will then be sent to you via your email or normal mail depending on your preferred mode, the following trading day.
How often can I place trading orders?
You can place trading orders at anytime of the day. Orders placed after 5.00p.m. (Malaysian time) will be queued for execution on the following trading day.
How do I check the status of my orders?
After your orders have been submitted, you can proceed to Order Status to check the orders are on queue, done or rejected. RHB Share Trading keeps track of the status of all your orders online whether they are accepted, executed, cancelled, confirmed or matched.
Can I amend or cancel my orders?
RHB Share Trading accepts order amendment or cancellation before Bursa Malaysia matches the order.
Can I short sell?
Short selling is illegal and not permitted under Bursa Malaysia rules. You must have shares in your CDS account before selling.
Can I carry out Direct Business such as Married
Deals with online trading?
Online trading does not facilitate Direct Business.
Is odd lot trading available over the internet?
Trading of odd lot is not available over the Internet. To trade in odd lots, you can call up your Remisier / Dealer's Representative to execute an odd lot order.
Is there a trading limit?
Yes. The trading limit varies between different individuals. This is in accordance with the credit assessment done based on your information provided. You may check your trading limit with your respective remisier / dealer. RHB Investment Bank Berhad will grant a trading limit that is equivalent to two times your cash deposit or one time your shares value deposited minus approximate brokerage cost and fees, but this is subject to change.
How can I increase my trading limit and how am I
notified of the changes?
You can request for an increase in your trading limit by calling your Dealer's Representative. They will require you to provide them with a copy of the relevant documents for assessment.
What happens to my contra gains or losses?
Contra gains or losses will be added to or deducted from your initial deposits. The addition or deduction will take place on T+2 calendar days. For more information on contra-gains and losses, please read the FAQ on Charges, Fees and Settlement.
How can I withdraw my trading profits?
You need to submit a request or contact your Dealer's Representative. We will then process your request and make payment to you as per your preferred payment mode.
What are the fees and charges that I need to pay when I open an account?
There are no membership fees or charges incurred for opening an account. However, Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) does impose RM10 for the opening of a CDS account.
How do I receive payments for sales proceeds from
share sales or contra gains?
Sales proceeds / contra gains will be issued within 2 market days after the sales / contra transaction date. The sales proceeds / contra gains can be received in 3 ways:
  • Automated Trust Payment (ATP) service where all net sales proceeds will be credited into your Trust Account after deducting all outstanding charges, contra losses, etc. arising from transactions on your equity account.
  • E-Share Payment (ESP) where all net sales proceeds will be transferred electronically to your bank account registered with the bank.
  • You can request for a cheque to be forwarded to your remisier or dealer to be banked-in to your account (Please provide your account number). You may also collect the cheque personally on T+3 after 12:00pm.
What is Automated Trust Payment (ATP)?
ATP is an optional service offered by RHB Investment Bank to its non-margin equities trading clients to pay net sales proceeds and/or contra gains into the clients' Trust Accounts in RHB, after deducting any contra losses, debit notes and/or overdue amount.
What is Trust Account?
Trust Account is an account maintained by the bank on behalf of clients for the purposes of keeping the clients' money in trust. When a client opens an individual trading account with the bank, the client automatically has a personal Trust Account. Please refer to section 111 or 122 in the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007 for complete definition of Trust Account.
Why ATP service?
This optional service is designed for the convenience of those non-margin individual trading clients with active/ regular trading activities with the bank. With the ATP service, you enjoy the convenience of having your net sales proceeds being paid into your trust accounts promptly on T+3, 12.30 pm. Picking up cheques from sales proceeds from your bank branch is unnecessary and you eliminate inconveniences from lost or expired cheques and asking your dealer or remisier to bank in your cheques.
How do I apply for the ATP service?
Complete the Service Activation/Revocation Form (no link yet) and submit it to your Dealer's Representative.
Are there any charges and fees?
No, this is a value added optional service that the bank offers to its trading clients.
How does the ATP service work?
To allow better understanding of the ATP service, please refer to the scenarios below:

Scenario 1:
Client A has RM0 balance in his Trust Account. He sold off 1000 units of ABC stock at RM1,200. He then earned a contra gain of RM1,000 and then gave the instruction to offset against his account. All payments are settled within Client A's Trust Account without any exchange of cheque or cash.

Scenario 2:
Client B has RM2,000 balance in his Trust account. He sold off 2000 units of ABC stock at RM2,000 and bought 2,000 units of DEF stock at RM4,000. On due date (T+3) by 12.30pm, automatically credits the net amount of RM2,000 into Client B’s Trust Account. Client B has a net balance of RM4,000 in his Trust Account. All payments are settled within Client B's Trust Account without any exchange of cheque or cash.
How long does it take for the ATP service to take effect?
All applications for activation of ATP will be processed within one (1) business day on a best effort basis from the day of receipt. Net payment into client's Trust Accounts (if any) shall commence from the following business day if the application is approved. Prior to the approval, all settlement of trades will be payable by cheque as usual.
How can I opt out of the ATP service once it's been activated?
You or your dealer/remisier on your behalf upon receiving your instruction may revoke the ATP service anytime by completing the "Service Activation/Revocation Form" and submitting it to our Operations Department.
How long does it take for the ATP revocation to take effect?
All application for revocation of ATP will be processed within one (1) business day on a best effort basis from the day of receipt. Payment of sales proceeds (if any) via cheque shall commence from the following business day if the application is approved. Prior to the approval, all settlement of trades will be payable into client's Trust Account as usual.
How do I withdraw my proceeds from the Trust Accounts
after signing up for ATP?
You may withdraw from the Trust Accounts in accordance to the usual trust withdrawal procedures. Please contact your Dealer's Representative to submit the Trust Withdrawal Form on your behalf to Investment Bank Credit Control ("IBCC"). If the request reaches IBCC before 12pm, it will be processed on the same business day and the cheque will be issued on the next business day.
Can I request for ad hoc sales proceeds cheque issuance after
activation of ATP?
Yes, you may submit the "Sales Proceeds Request Form" to request for ad hoc sales proceeds. All requests for sales proceeds cheque issuance (executed by you or by your dealer / remisier on your behalf) must reach IBCC before T+2, 12pm. The cheque will be issued to you on the next business day.
Will there be any revisions / amendments to the ATP service
or the ATP terms and conditions?
Yes, the bank may make any revisions / amendments to the ATP and its terms and conditions at any time without assigning any reasons(s) and without any prior notice.
What is Electronic Share Payment?
Electronic Share Payment ("ESP") is an optional service offered by the bank ("RHB") to its equities trading clients, which allows direct debiting of payment from client's designated bank account.
Is this service optional to clients?
Yes, this is an optional service provided to clients upon subscription.
Is this service available to all equity clients?
You may subscribe to the ESP service by completing the ESP Form and submitting it to your dealer or remisier together with the following supporting documents:
  • Identification documents e.g. NRIC, Passport, Authority Card or other acceptable identification documents (for individual trading Clients); or
  • Certified Certificate of Incorporation / Certificate of Registration (for corporate trading Clients); and
  • Designated bank account statement / bank savings book / details of bank account obtained from bank’s website which has been certified by the bank / confirmation letter on bank account details.
  • Original documents of the above for verification.
Can I register more than one bank account for this service?
No, you may register only one (1) bank account for each equity trading account.
Which bank account is allowed for ESP subscription?
Any savings or current account held with a financial institution that offers MEPS IBG service. While joint bank account is allowed, it is NOT encouraged and the trading client must be the primary holder of the joint bank account. It is the client’'s responsibility to ensure that he/she is the primary bank account holder in order to avoid payment failure. For the list of financial institutions that offer MEPS IBG service, please refer to MEPS's FAQ page here.
How long will it take for the e-Payment service to be
RHB will endeavor to activate the e-Payment service by one (1) business day. For the avoidance of doubt, business day shall mean a day where the bank is open for business in Kuala Lumpur.
Are there any special conditions with this e-Payment service
that clients should be aware of?
Yes. There are 2 conditions that clients should be aware of:
  • While Bursa Malaysia indicates that there is no transfer limit for bank accounts, as far as the bank is concerned, only payment above RM100 will be auto-credited into the client's designated bank account. Any payment of RM100 or less will be credited into the client’s Trust Account with the bank automatically.
  • If there are any outstanding purchases on the crediting day (T+3), the payment will be auto-credited into the Client's Trust Account instead of the designated bank account.
Note: You may use the balance in your Trust Account to settle any outstanding purchases or you may withdraw the balance by submitting a Trust Withdrawal Form to your dealer or remisier.
Are there any charges or fees imposed by the bank for this
No. This is an added service which is offered to the bank's Clients without any fees/charges.
How does e-Payment work?
To allow better understanding of e-Payment, please refer to the scenarios below: (*For ease of reference, all computations illustrated below do not include any fees or charges.)

Scenario 1:
Client A sold off 1,000 units of ABC stock at RM1,200 on T-day and there is a contra gain of RM1,000 on T+1 day. On T+3 day, the bank automatically credits RM2,200 into Client A's designated bank account.

Scenario 2:
Client B has RM2,000 in his Trust Account. He sold off 1000 units of ABC stock at RM2,000 and bought 2000 units of DEF stock at RM4,000 on T-day. On T+3 day, the bank automatically credits RM2,000 into Client B's Trust Account as there are outstanding purchases of RM4,000.

Note: Sales proceeds will be credited into Client's Trust Account if there are any outstanding share purchases.
When can I expect funds to be credited in to my designated
bank account?
By midnight on T+3; the actual timing may vary depending on the day end processing of your designated bank.
What are the possible circumstances that may lead to failure
of e-Payment transaction?
While it is unlikely to happen, e-Payment transaction may fail under the following circumstances, (not exhaustive):
  • Unmatched details of the client's bank account (e.g. wrong bank account number given by the client)
  • Unmatched details of client's NRIC / Passport no. maintained with the bank and Client’s designated bank account
  • Unaccepted status of the Client's bank account (e.g. dormant bank account)
  • Unexpected system breakdown / technical problems
How will I be paid in the event that the transaction fails?
Upon confirmation from RHB’s bank on T+4 12.30pm, the sale proceeds will be automatically credited.
Can I request to change the designated bank account after
activation of e-Payment service?
Yes, you may change the designated bank account by completing the ESP Form, with details of the new designated bank account and by submitting to your dealer or remisier together with a verified photocopy of the new designated bank account's latest statement or passbook.
Can I request for ad-hoc sale proceeds cheque issuance after
activation of e-Payment service?
Yes, you can complete the Ad Hoc Sale Proceeds Request Form and submit to the Credit Control and Supervision Department at our supervisory branch before T+2 12.00pm. Your dealer or remisier may submit the request on your behalf.
How can I opt out of the e-Payment service once its activated?
Resubmit the ESP Form to your dealer or remisier at any time. Alternatively, your dealer or remisier can submit the ESP Form on your behalf upon your instructions.
Can I sign up for ESP service if I am already using the
Auto Trust Payment (ATP) service?
You may select only either ONE of these services offered by RHB. Your existing ATP service subscription will be revoked automatically upon activation of the ESP service.
Will there be any revisions to the ESP service or the ESP
terms & conditions?
RHB may revise, amend, vary and/or modify the ESP service and its terms and conditions at any time, without assigning any reasons and without any prior notice.
How do I pay for share purchases / contra losses /
outstanding charges?
i. Post / Deliver Cash or Cheque

You may post your cheque or deliver cash/cheque to your Dealer/Remisier or to our RHB Investment Bank Berhad Branches. Click HERE for the list of our branches.

ii. Direct Bank-in

You can make a direct payment into RHB Investment Bank Berhad’s account as below. All payments must be made payable to RHB Investment Bank Berhad. Kindly indicate your client code, contact number, contract number and the Bank Code on your deposit slip and fax it to your Dealer / Remisier. Do contact your Dealer / Remisier to inform him/her of the payment details.
What are the bank account details for direct bank-ins?
Northern Region | Central Region | Southern Region | East Coast | East Malaysia
What is Internet Banking (FPX)?
It is a facility that allows RHB Share Trading clients to transfer funds from their bank accounts to their Trading Account over the internet, saving them valuable time and resources.
Is the Internet Banking (FPX) Transfer facility available
to all clients?
No, the facility is only available to RHB Share Trading online clients. Offline clients are not eligible for the service.
Are there any charges incurred for this facility?
Yes, each successful fund transfer is chargeable at RM0.70 per transaction. These charges are levied by the commercial banks.
How do I use the Internet Banking (FPX) facility?
There are two ways to carry out the funds transfer:

A) Via RHB Share Trading web:
  • Login with your RHB Share Trading and password at
  • Mouse over 'Portfolio' tab > Click on 'Internet Banking (FPX)'
  • Follow the instructions on the page

After I've made the online funds transfer, when will I
receive the contract settlement?
Upon successful completion of the transaction, you are required to call your Dealer/Remisier for contract settlement.
How would I know if my online funds transfer session
is successful?
Funds successfully transferred will only appear in your Trust Account after 5p.m. on the same day that you carried out the transfer. You can also check on the status of your online transaction by clicking on the Internet Banking (FPX) History button.
Is the Internet Banking (FPX) facility available 24 hours a day?
It’s only available Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays), from 7a.m. to 5p.m.
Can online funds transfer be carried out through any bank
Currently, the facility is only available if you have online facilities with any of the following 6 banks:
Bank Islam, CIMB, Hong Leong Bank, Maybank, Public Bank, RHB
Is there a limit to the number of transactions that I can
carry out each day?
There is no limit to the number of transactions you can carry out each day. However, the maximum allowable amount per transaction is RM30,000.00. Do check your daily internet transaction limit with your bank before proceeding with the transfer.
How much should I transfer?
You should ensure that the amount transferred is sufficient to cover the contract value and the transaction cost of RM 0.70. For example, if the contract value is RM1000.00, you should transfer RM1000.70 to the trust account.
Who can I contact if I have any problems using this facility?
You may call our Call Centre at 6 03-2330 8900 for assistance.
What are the regulations with regards to settlement time?
Buyer Securities Settlement
A buyer will have his CDS account credited by T+2. However, if a buyer fails to pay by 12.30pm on T+2, the company shall then "sell-out’ the shares to cover his outlay on T+3.

Seller Securities Settlement
A seller's CDS account is debited by T+2. This also means that a seller’s account does not have to be in credit, at the point when he trades. However, he must have sufficient shares credit in his CDS account on T+1. To settle such trade, he can transfer the required shares into his account on T+1 day itself before 12.30pm.

If a seller fails to have his shares in his CDS account to settle a trade on T+1, his trade will fail and buying-in will be instituted against him on T+2.
Is the online funds transfer (Internet Banking - FPX) facility available 24 hours a day?
No, it's only available Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays), from 7a.m. to 5p.m.
When must payment be made for shares bought? What happens if I miss payments for shares purchased?
Payments can be made anytime within the 2 market days settlement period. However, all payments must reach us no later than 2 market days from the date of transaction by 12.30pm. If payment is not received by due date, the contract will be forced-sold by the company without notification.
When must payment be made for contra losses?
Payments for contra losses are to be settled within the grace period of two (2) market days from the day of sale. Interest would be charged if payments are made after the grace period.
I forgot my password, what should I do?
Users can either self reset the password at the RHB Share Trading website or contact the RHB Share Trading Call Center at 6 03 2330 8900.
What is the minimum age to open a trading account?
You need to be 18 years of age and above.
How do I change my PIN?
You may do so by contacting us at 6 03 2330 8900.
How do I update my email address or my contact number?
If you have online access to RHB Share Trading, you may change your email or your phone at the Edit Profile page once you login.
What types of trading accounts are available?
Collateralized trading account Buying limit is based on the shares and cash value in your trading account
Cash upfront trading account Buying limit is based on the cash in your trading account
My account is deactivated, what should I do?
Please contact your Dealer's Representative to perform an offline transaction and request for reactivation.
Can I open a joint online trading account?
In compliance with Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) rules and regulations, a joint or a partnership account is not permitted.
Can I open an account for someone else?
In compliance with Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) and Bursa Malaysia rules and regulations, you cannot apply or open a trading account on behalf of another person unless you are vested with the Power of Attorney.
Can I still open a RHB Share Trading account if I already have a trading account with another firm?
Yes, you can. You will have to open a trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad before you register with RHB Share Trading for online trading. At this moment, RHB Share Trading will be offered only if you open your account with RHB Investment Bank branches.
Do I need to open a CDS account to trade online?
Yes, you need to have a CDS account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad to trade online. There are two options - you may choose to open a CDS account under your own name or open a CDS account under RHB Nominees (a wholly owned subsidiary of RHB Investment Bank Berhad) favouring your name as the beneficial owner. Should you choose the latter, RHB Nominees will provide you nominee services which include application of rights issue, dividends, etc. at a nomimal fee. However, do take note that a CDS account under a Nominee Company name cannot be used for IPO applications. A charge of RM10.00 is levied by Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) for the opening of a CDS account.
Can I link my CDS account from another Stockbroker to RHB Share Trading?
No, currently RHB Share Trading allows trading via accounts opened with RHB Investment Bank Berhad only.
Can a company open an online trading account?
No, unless the company submits a separate company resolution which is subject to management approval. You can refer to your dealer's representative for more information.
Can I transfer my shares out from the RHB Nominee account to another CDS account?
You can only transfer your shares into your own CDS account. No third party transfer is allowed by Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD).
Can I use my personal CDS account with RHB Investment Bank?
Yes, you need to inform your Dealer's Representative.
I've submitted my online trading application. What else should I do?
Our Dealer's Representative will call you to arrange for an appointment with you to complete the process of opening a trading account.
What is e-statement?
What is e-Statement?
It is an alternative delivery mode offered by RHB Investment Bank Berhad (“the Bank”) which enables you to receive your daily and monthly statements via e-mail.

What are the benefits of using e-Statement?
1. Access to your statement anytime and anywhere.
2. No more delays by postmen or mail wrongly delivered to wrong address.
3. Environmental friendly – You are helping to preserve the trees for the next generation.

How do I change to or apply for the e-Statement delivery mode?
If you are an online client, login to RHB Share Trading and click on Edit Profile, then click on Subscriptions. If you are not an online client, you may apply for an online account or complete the following document and submit the same to your Dealer’s Representatives:

1. Existing Clients
"Updating of Client's Particular Form" - Select "Email only" under "Delivery of Contract Notes / Statements" section. Click here to download the form.

2. New Clients
"Account Opening Application Form" - Select "Email only" under "Delivery of Contract Notes / Statements" section.

When will I receive my e-Statement?
You will start receiving your statements in your email after one (1) working day upon submission of the relevant form to the Operations Department. As usual, if you are trading in stock exchanges in the similar time zone (e.g. Bursa Malaysia, SGX, HKEX, and etc), you will receive the statement on T+1 day. For stock exchanges under the Western Time Zone (e.g. NYSE, NASDAQ, and etc), you will receive the statement on T+2 day.

In the event that the e-Statement is not successfully delivered to you by T+1 day (T+2 day for foreign trade in the western time zone) due to invalid e-mail address or full mail box a hardcopy will be posted on the same day as usual in the normal postal delivery mode. Your Dealer’s Representatives shall contact you to validate your email address. Your trading account will be automatically suspended if your email address is not validated within 14 days.

How do I ensure that no other unauthorised persons access my e-Statement?
Your e-Statement is encrypted with a password. The password is your NRIC / Passport Number, or Company's Registration Number (if you are an authorised recipient for your corporate account) without any symbols and spacing therein. Please be mindful that you shall not share your password and shall log off your terminal when you are not accessing it.

Can I opt to receive both hardcopy and e-Statement?
No, you shall opt for e-mail delivery mode only to be more meaningful in your save-the-green efforts.
How safe is online trading?
RHB Share Trading ensures a secured environment for data transmission with proven encryption technology using Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Firewall, PIN, user authentication and 128 bit encryption. In addition, monies and shares with RHB Investment Bank can only be paid or transferred to the account of the beneficial owner and are thus secured.
How do I ensure the security of my account?
It is advisable not to share your PIN (Personal Identification Number) and Password with anyone else. If you forget your PIN, please Contact Us.
What are the system requirements to access RHB Share Trading?
For RHB Share Trading web, any latest version of web browser is sufficient while it is advisable for Internet Explorer users to update your browser version to IE11 and above. If you are unable to update your Internet Explorer, please download the latest Google Chrome browser here.
What should I do if my PC/System is down and I need to place orders?
You can place your orders through your Dealer's Representative.
How do I download the app?
The RHB Share Trading Mobile app can be easily downloaded. Using your Android or iOS device (smartphone or tablet), go to Google Play store or iTunes and download the app. Once downloaded, RHB Share Trading customers can use the same login ID and password to access the new mobile app and trade as normal.
Is the app compatible for tablet?
Yes, if it is an Android or iOS tablet.
Can I download the app for my smart devices running on Windows?
No, the mobile app is for Android and iOS platforms only.
Where do I start? Is there a user guide available?
Yes, you may access the user guide here.
Can I use the app on 2 phones simultaneously?
You may download the app on 2 phones but can only access to one at any one time.
How often is the live price feed refreshed?
The live price feed is on real-time if you have configured your settings to receive real-time streaming. To configure your settings, please refer to the user guide here.
I can't login. What should I do?
Ensure that you've keyed in the correct password with shift-key or numericals correctly used. Try logging in through on your desktop. If this does not work, call our Call Centre at 03 - 2330 8900 for further assistance.
Which mobile version is compatible?
Android Version 8.1 and above or iOS Version 9 and above.
Can all RHB Investment bank clients use the app?
Once all RHBInvest clients migrated to RHB Share Trading system, they may continue trading by using the new RHB Share Trading mobile app.
Can I customise the colours or the font size?
At the moment, this function is not available.
Why can't I view the live price feed?
It may be caused by an outdated browser. Please ensure you are using an updated browser. You may also want to check the connection indicator located at the top right of RHB Share Trading. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our Call Centre at 603-2330 8900 or email to so they can help you troubleshoot further.
I lost my internet connection halfway through a transaction, how do I track it?
Once you are reconnected, you may check your Orders on the Order Status page. Alternatively, you may contact your Dealer's Representative by phone.
What happens if I fail to log in multiple times?
Your User ID and Password will be blocked after 3 unsuccessful log-on attempts. For immediate release of your ID and Password, please contact our Call Centre at 6 03 2330 8900.
I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
Access RHB Share Trading's login page and click on Forgot Your Password? link on the Login box.
How do I change my password?
Login to RHB Share Trading Web, click on Edit Profile link at the top right and go to the Pin & Password tab.
How do I open a futures trading account?
You may fill up online here and our Futures Broker's Representative will assist you on opening the account.
If I am not a resident in Malaysia, can I open a Futures Trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad?
I am interested to know more about futures trading, what should I do?
What are the requirements to sign up for Futures Online Trading?
You must have an existing Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad, a valid email address registered with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
Can I apply for a Futures Online Trading account if I do not have any Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad?
Yes, but your online trading application will not be processed until you open a Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
How can I register for Futures Online Trading service?
Applying by clicking HERE, select "I have an existing Futures account and want to trade Futures online" and complete the online application process.

Alternatively, you may visit our nearest branch for further assistance.
Can I have more than one Futures Online Trading User ID?
No, each client can only apply for one (1) User ID for each Futures Online Trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
Can corporate clients subscribe for Futures Online Trading?
Yes, Futures Online Trading is available for all clients who have an active Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
What is the trading platform for Futures Online trading?
Click here to find out more information on the trading platform we provide.
How do I download the Futures trading software into my PC?
You can download and install the Futures trading application software HERE. Please contact your Futures Broker's Representative for further assistance on the trading platform.
Are the futures quotes real time?
Yes, Futures price quotes are all live feeds that are updated in real time.
How can I keep my account safe?
Access to the trading screen is only available when you log-in using your Login Username and Password. Therefore, it is important that you DO NOT reveal your user details to anyone or allow another party to trade on your behalf. You must also remember to log-out after each session.
Can I access the futures online trading platform from overseas?
Yes, as long as you have internet access and the minimum system requirements are met.
When can I place my online futures order(s)?
The trading hours of the respective futures contracts would determine the time you can key in your orders. Please contact your Futures Broker's Representative or visit the respective exchanges’ websites for more information on the trading hours.
What is the status of my outstanding orders after the end of the day trading session?
All day orders submitted are only valid for one day/session. Orders which are not executed will be cancelled automatically at the end of each trading day/session.
Can I placed working order that continue working after end of the day trading session?
Yes, order validity changes to GTC (Good till cancel) and GTD (Good till date) will allow order to continue working after the day trading session. All RHB Investment Bank Futures Trading Platforms can perform GTC and GTD orders.
Is there a position limit or per order limit?
Yes, a default position and order limit for each client will be set by RHB Investment Bank. However, you can request for a higher position or order limit based on your risk tolerance. Note that all orders will first be filtered based on available margin in the client’s account.
Can I increase my position limit anytime?
No, you can only increase your position limit during normal office hours.
How can I check my current order status?
You can check your order status at the order log / status of the online trading platform. A contract note will be sent to you via normal mail or email on the following trading day.
Are there any membership fee and charges?
There is no membership fee or charges incurred to use the Futures Online Trading service. However, you may need to fulfill a certain trading volume criteria depending on the trading platform you choose.
What are the foreign futures products that I can trade?
Please check our latest foreign futures products here. You may also contact your respective Futures Broker's Representative (FBR) for further information.
What are the minimum system requirements for RHB QST, RHB Ayers GTS and RHB CQG?
Processor: Quad Core AMD or Intel i5 and above
Hard disk drive: 1GB of free HDD space
Operating system: Windows 7 and above
Google Chrome, Mozilla Fox & Microsoft Edge
What should I do if my PC / system is down and I need to place orders?
You can place your orders through your Future Broker's Representative or contact our Night Desk at 603 9200 6033.
I was disconnected from the internet in the middle of a transaction. What do I do next?
Please check the Order Status in your trading platform, or alternatively contact your Futures Broker's Representative for assistance.
What should I do if I forget my login username or password?
Please contact us at 03 - 2330 8900 to reset your password.
What happens if I fail to log in after a few attempts?
Your User ID and Password will be blocked after 3 unsuccessful log-on attempts. To reset your password, please contact us at 03 2330 8900.
What is CRS?
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is a global standard for automatic exchange of information (AEOI) on financial account information between the governments in order to combat offshore tax evasion and protect the integrity of taxation systems.

Over 100 countries/ jurisdictions, including Malaysia, have committed to CRS. You may view the full list of CRS participating jurisdictions at the OECD website.

CRS mandates financial institutions located in a CRS participating jurisdiction such as RHB Banking Group (RHB) to:
  1. Identify and collect relevant information regarding customer’s tax residency status; and
  2. Report financial account information held by the customers who are tax residents in other reportable jurisdictions to the local tax authority. The information will be exchanged annually by the local tax authority with the relevant tax authorities in other participating jurisdictions.

Financial institutions in CRS participating jurisdictions including Malaysia-based Financial Institutions (e.g. RHB) are obliged to comply with the CRS requirements.
When will the requirements take effect?
The Income Tax (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information) Rules 2016 was gazetted on 23 December 2016 and takes effect from 1 July 2017.

All Malaysia-based Financial Institutions ("MYFI") are required to collect CRS self-certification form from all its customers with effect from 1 July 2017 and to report the required information to the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM) on or before 30 June 2018.
Is it applicable to me or my organisation?
CRS impacts both individual and legal entity customers with foreign tax residency status. All customers will need to self-declare their tax residency status with RHB.
What should I do if CRS is applicable to me or my organisation?
RHB is obliged to request a new customer to provide completed Self-Certification Forms on customer’s tax residency status and supporting documents that comprise the tax residency information (e.g. tax identification number) with effect from 1 July 2017. For certain types of entity customers (Passive Non-Financial Entity or Investment Entity managed by another Financial Institution in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction), the customer is required to disclose the identity of individuals who exercise control over the entity, trust or legal arrangement.

For existing RHB customers, we will reach out to you for a Self-Certification Form if further clarification on your tax residency information is required.

Please take note that RHB is not in the position to advice you on your tax residency status or classification. You may consult your tax advisor on the tax residency status.
What is my tax residency?
Tax residence is defined as the resident country’s local tax laws and therefore may vary from country to country. In general, tax residence is the country in which you live. Special circumstance may cause you to have tax residence in more than one country at the same time, e.g. dual residence. You may check the OECD website on the respective countries / jurisdictions’ Tax Identification Number (TIN) structure and rules. Please confirm your tax residency with your tax advisor.
I live in Malaysia where I am a local tax resident so why do I need to give you these details in the Self-Certification Forms?
As a Financial institution, RHB is legally required to establish the tax residency status of all its customers, even if you are a local tax resident in Malaysia. However, at present, IRBM would not require the reporting of your details (i.e. a local tax resident) for CRS purposes, unless you self-declared that you are a tax residency.
What happens if I don't have a tax identification number (TIN)?
You may leave the TIN blank but you will need to indicate the reason for not obtaining a TIN. A list of reasons will be pre-printed in the Self-Certification Form (e.g. minor, student, housewife, country does not have TIN, etc.).
Are there any consequences for incorrect certification?
Yes. It is an offence under section 113A of the Malaysia Income Tax Act, 1967 if any person, in making a self-certification, provides incorrect information in the Self-Certification Form. Such offence is punishable with a fine (between RM20,000 and RM100,000) or imprisonment (for a term not exceeding 6 months) or both.
What will happen if I/ my organisation refuses to disclose the required information?
You can check your order status at the order log / status of the online trading platform. A contract note will be sent to you via normal mail or email on the following trading day.
If I am or my organisation is a resident of a non-CRS participating country / jurisdiction, will my information still be collected?
Malaysia has adopted a wider approach for CRS, which requires financial institutions to collect information of all customers with non-Malaysia tax residency. RHB will only report information of customers who are tax residents in other jurisdictions that have signed bilateral agreement with Malaysia.
What do I or my organisation have to do if there is any change in tax residency details?
For any changes of tax residency details or CRS status, the customer is required to inform and update RHB by providing a new Self-Certification Form to RHB within 30 days from the date of change.
What information will be reported to Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM)?
Under CRS, the details to be reported include customers' tax residency details and financial account information (i.e. balance/value and the total amounts of payment credited to their respective financial accounts).
Will my account information in the bank's possession be publicly available?
No. The reportable information will be made available to IRBM. IRBM will then share these information with the respective countries’ tax authorities based on the customer's reported foreign tax residency(ies) information and provided that the country has signed the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Malaysia. It is expected that Malaysia’s selected partnering countries will have a strong rule of law in place to ensure confidentiality of information exchanged, and will not subject to unauthorised access or misuse.
I have a trust, will my information be reportable, to whom and how?
You are required to provide the bank the tax residency information of the trust's relevant parties (i.e. the settlor(s), the trustee(s), the protector(s) (if any), the beneficiary(ies) or class(es) of beneficiaries, and any other natural person(s) exercising ultimate effective control over the trust, as required).
The information which I or my organisation have provided for under FATCA is similar to the information requested for CRS purposes, so why is this different?
FATCA is a US Legislation requiring RHB to identify US Persons and report in line with the FATCA regulations, based on the citizenship of the customer. Whereas, CRS requires RHB to identify the tax residency of all our customers and to report information to IRBM on customers who are having tax residency of another country.

Notwithstanding that if you have already provided information under the United States Government’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA"), you are still required to provide the additional information for CRS as these are governed under different regulations /jurisdiction with different requirements.
Where can I find out more about the CRS?
Further information can be obtained on CRS at the OECD website or the IRBM website.
How do I get access to the online trading services?
You can apply online or contact your Dealer's Representative for assistance.
What do I need before I trade online?
  • A trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
  • A Central Depository System Account with Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd.
  • Access to RHB Share Trading.
What are the appropriate steps to submit account opening application via online?
Sign up online here. Our dealer will contact you within 3 working days to assist you on the Trading Account and CDS Account opening application.
Can I start trading after submitted my online trading application and mandatory documents?
You can only begin trading after your account has been approved by RHB Investment Bank Berhad and after depositing money into your account. All deposits are placed in a Client Trust Account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad as required by Section 44 of Securities Industry Act 1983. Once your account has been approved, you will receive a secured email for the said notification. Use this information together with your Username and Password, which you keyed in during your online application to login. You are required to create your Trading PIN on your first login. You can then access your account online and commence trading.
What can I trade through RHB Share Trading?
All stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia, SGX, HKEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX as provided by RHB Share Trading.
Which stockbroking firm am I trading with?
All stock trading via RHB Share Trading is handled by RHB Investment Bank Berhad, a participating organization of Bursa Malaysia.
Can I still access RHB Share Trading from overseas?
Yes you may, so long as you have internet connection and the appropriate system requirements.
I'm a non-Malaysian, can I still open an account?
Yes, you can. However, you need to comply with the Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) foreign exchange rules and regulations.
What are pre-open and pre-close phases?
The Pre-Open phase is a 30-minute session before regular trading starts at 0900 hrs. It comprises the Pre-Open and the Non-Cancel periods.

During the Pre-Open period (0830 - 0859 hrs), buy and sell orders can be entered, amended or withdrawn. However, they will not be matched and executed during this period.

The Non-Cancel period (0859 and 0900 hrs) does not allow input, amendment and withdrawal of orders. Orders are matched and executed at a single computed price, which will be the same as or better than the price at which the orders are entered. This computed price shall be the opening price for the day. Unmatched orders will be queued for regular trading.

During the Pre-Close phase (1645 - 1649 hrs), orders are still accepted and automatically updated in the order book, but no trades are executed. A theoretical Closing Price (TCP) based on orders entered, is dynamically calculated.
Can I track my favorite stocks?
Yes you can by selecting a list of favorite stocks. For more information on how to do this, visit our RHB Share Trading User Guide.
When will my trade orders be executed?
All trades will be executed during normal Bursa Malaysia trading hours. In the morning session, the trading hours are from 9.00a.m. to 12.30p.m. (Malaysian time). For the afternoon session, trading is from 2.30p.m. to 5.00p.m. (Malaysian time).
How am I notified of my trade executions?
You can go to Order Status to check your trade status. A contract note will then be sent to you via your email or normal mail depending on your preferred mode, the following trading day.
How often can I place trading orders?
You can place trading orders at anytime of the day. Orders placed after 5.00p.m. (Malaysian time) will be queued for execution on the following trading day.
How do I check the status of my orders?
After your orders have been submitted, you can proceed to Order Status to check the orders are on queue, done or rejected. RHB Share Trading keeps track of the status of all your orders online whether they are accepted, executed, cancelled, confirmed or matched.
Can I amend or cancel my orders?
RHB Share Trading accepts order amendment or cancellation before Bursa Malaysia matches the order.
Can I short sell?
Short selling is illegal and not permitted under Bursa Malaysia rules. You must have shares in your CDS account before selling.
Can I carry out Direct Business such as Married
Deals with online trading?
Online trading does not facilitate Direct Business.
Is odd lot trading available over the internet?
Trading of odd lot is not available over the Internet. To trade in odd lots, you can call up your Remisier / Dealer's Representative to execute an odd lot order.
Is there a trading limit?
Yes. The trading limit varies between different individuals. This is in accordance with the credit assessment done based on your information provided. You may check your trading limit with your respective remisier / dealer. RHB Investment Bank Berhad will grant a trading limit that is equivalent to two times your cash deposit or one time your shares value deposited minus approximate brokerage cost and fees, but this is subject to change.
How can I increase my trading limit and how am I notified of the changes?
You can request for an increase in your trading limit by calling your Dealer's Representative. They will require you to provide them with a copy of the relevant documents for assessment.
What happens to my contra gains or losses?
Contra gains or losses will be added to or deducted from your initial deposits. The addition or deduction will take place on T+2 calendar days. For more information on contra-gains and losses, please read the FAQ on Charges, Fees and Settlement.
How can I withdraw my trading profits?
You need to submit a request or contact your Dealer's Representative. We will then process your request and make payment to you as per your preferred payment mode.
What are the fees and charges that I need to pay when I open an account?
There are no membership fees or charges incurred for opening an account. However, Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) does impose RM10 for the opening of a CDS account.
How do I receive payments for sales proceeds from
share sales or contra gains?
Sales proceeds / contra gains will be issued within 2 market days after the sales / contra transaction date. The sales proceeds / contra gains can be received in 3 ways:
  • Automated Trust Payment (ATP) service where all net sales proceeds will be credited into your Trust Account after deducting all outstanding charges, contra losses, etc. arising from transactions on your equity account.
  • E-Share Payment (ESP) where all net sales proceeds will be transferred electronically to your bank account registered with the bank.
  • You can request for a cheque to be forwarded to your remisier or dealer to be banked-in to your account (Please provide your account number). You may also collect the cheque personally on T+3 after 12:00pm.
What is Automated Trust Payment (ATP)?
ATP is an optional service offered by RHB Investment Bank to its non-margin equities trading clients to pay net sales proceeds and/or contra gains into the clients' Trust Accounts in RHB, after deducting any contra losses, debit notes and/or overdue amount.
What is Trust Account?
Trust Account is an account maintained by the bank on behalf of clients for the purposes of keeping the clients' money in trust. When a client opens an individual trading account with the bank, the client automatically has a personal Trust Account. Please refer to section 111 or 122 in the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007 for complete definition of Trust Account.
Why ATP service?
This optional service is designed for the convenience of those non-margin individual trading clients with active/ regular trading activities with the bank. With the ATP service, you enjoy the convenience of having your net sales proceeds being paid into your trust accounts promptly on T+3, 12.30 pm. Picking up cheques from sales proceeds from your bank branch is unnecessary and you eliminate inconveniences from lost or expired cheques and asking your dealer or remisier to bank in your cheques.
How do I apply for the ATP service?
Complete the Service Activation/Revocation Form and submit it to your Dealer's Representative.
Are there any charges and fees?
No, this is a value added optional service that the bank offers to its trading clients.
How does the ATP service work?
To allow better understanding of the ATP service, please refer to the scenarios below:

Scenario 1:
Client A has RM0 balance in his Trust Account. He sold off 1000 units of ABC stock at RM1,200. He then earned a contra gain of RM1,000 and then gave the instruction to offset against his account. All payments are settled within Client A's Trust Account without any exchange of cheque or cash.

Scenario 2:
Client B has RM2,000 balance in his Trust account. He sold off 2000 units of ABC stock at RM2,000 and bought 2,000 units of DEF stock at RM4,000. On due date (T+3) by 12.30pm, automatically credits the net amount of RM2,000 into Client B's Trust Account. Client B has a net balance of RM4,000 in his Trust Account. All payments are settled within Client B's Trust Account without any exchange of cheque or cash.
How long does it take for the ATP service to take effect?
All applications for activation of ATP will be processed within one (1) business day on a best effort basis from the day of receipt. Net payment into client's Trust Accounts (if any) shall commence from the following business day if the application is approved. Prior to the approval, all settlement of trades will be payable by cheque as usual.
How can I opt out of the ATP service once it's been activated?
You or your dealer/remisier on your behalf upon receiving your instruction may revoke the ATP service anytime by completing the "Service Activation/Revocation Form" and submitting it to our Operations Department.
How long does it take for the ATP revocation to take effect?
All application for revocation of ATP will be processed within one (1) business day on a best effort basis from the day of receipt. Payment of sales proceeds (if any) via cheque shall commence from the following business day if the application is approved. Prior to the approval, all settlement of trades will be payable into client's Trust Account as usual.
How do I withdraw my proceeds from the Trust Accounts after signing up for ATP?
You may withdraw from the Trust Accounts in accordance to the usual trust withdrawal procedures. Please contact your Dealer's Representative to submit the Trust Withdrawal Form on your behalf to Investment Bank Credit Control ("IBCC"). If the request reaches IBCC before 12pm, it will be processed on the same business day and the cheque will be issued on the next business day.
Can I request for ad hoc sales proceeds cheque issuance after activation of ATP?
Yes, you may submit the "Sales Proceeds Request Form" to request for ad hoc sales proceeds. All requests for sales proceeds cheque issuance (executed by you or by your dealer / remisier on your behalf) must reach IBCC before T+2, 12pm. The cheque will be issued to you on the next business day.
Will there be any revisions / amendments to the ATP service or the ATP terms and conditions?
Yes, the bank may make any revisions / amendments to the ATP and its terms and conditions at any time without assigning any reasons(s) and without any prior notice.
What is Electronic Share Payment?
Electronic Share Payment ("ESP") is an optional service offered by the bank ("RHB") to its equities trading clients, which allows direct debiting of payment from client’s designated bank account.
Is this service optional to clients?
Yes, this is an optional service provided to clients upon subscription.
Is this service available to all equity clients?
You may subscribe to the ESP service by completing the ESP Form and submitting it to your dealer or remisier together with the following supporting documents:
  • Identification documents e.g. NRIC, Passport, Authority Card or other acceptable identification documents (for individual trading Clients); or
  • Certified Certificate of Incorporation / Certificate of Registration (for corporate trading Clients); and
  • Designated bank account statement / bank savings book / details of bank account obtained from bank’s website which has been certified by the bank / confirmation letter on bank account details.
  • Original documents of the above for verification.
Can I register more than one bank account for this service?
No, you may register only one (1) bank account for each equity trading account.
Which bank account is allowed for ESP subscription?
Any savings or current account held with a financial institution that offers MEPS IBG service. While joint bank account is allowed, it is NOT encouraged and the trading client must be the primary holder of the joint bank account. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that he/she is the primary bank account holder in order to avoid payment failure. For the list of financial institutions that offer MEPS IBG service, please refer to MEPS’s FAQ page here.
Are there any special conditions with this e-Payment service
that clients should be aware of?
Yes. There are 2 conditions that clients should be aware of:
  • While Bursa Malaysia indicates that there is no transfer limit for bank accounts, as far as the bank is concerned, only payment above RM100 will be auto-credited into the client’s designated bank account. Any payment of RM100 or less will be credited into the client’s Trust Account with the bank automatically.
  • If there are any outstanding purchases on the crediting day (T+3), the payment will be auto-credited into the Client’s Trust Account instead of the designated bank account.
Note: You may use the balance in your Trust Account to settle any outstanding purchases or you may withdraw the balance by submitting a Trust Withdrawal Form to your dealer or remisier.
Are there any charges or fees imposed by the bank for this service?
No. This is an added service which is offered to the bank's Clients without any fees/charges.
How does e-Payment work?
To allow better understanding of e-Payment, please refer to the scenarios below: (*For ease of reference, all computations illustrated below do not include any fees or charges.)

Scenario 1:
Client A sold off 1,000 units of ABC stock at RM1,200 on T-day and there is a contra gain of RM1,000 on T+1 day. On T+3 day, the bank automatically credits RM2,200 into Client A's designated bank account.

Scenario 2:
Client B has RM2,000 in his Trust Account. He sold off 1000 units of ABC stock at RM2,000 and bought 2000 units of DEF stock at RM4,000 on T-day. On T+3 day, the bank automatically credits RM2,000 into Client B's Trust Account as there are outstanding purchases of RM4,000.

Note: Sales proceeds will be credited into Client's Trust Account if there are any outstanding share purchases.
When can I expect funds to be credited in to my designated
bank account?
By midnight on T+3; the actual timing may vary depending on the day end processing of your designated bank.
What are the possible circumstances that may lead to failure of e-Payment transaction?
While it is unlikely to happen, e-Payment transaction may fail under the following circumstances, (not exhaustive):
  • Unmatched details of the client's bank account (e.g. wrong bank account number given by the client)
  • Unmatched details of client's NRIC / Passport no. maintained with the bank and Client’s designated bank account
  • Unaccepted status of the Client's bank account (e.g. dormant bank account)
  • Unexpected system breakdown / technical problems
How will I be paid in the event that the transaction fails?
Upon confirmation from RHB's bank on T+4 12.30pm, the sale proceeds will be automatically credited.
Can I request to change the designated bank account after activation of e-Payment service?
Yes, you may change the designated bank account by completing the ESP Form, with details of the new designated bank account and by submitting to your dealer or remisier together with a verified photocopy of the new designated bank account's latest statement or passbook.
Can I request for ad-hoc sale proceeds cheque issuance after activation of e-Payment service?
Yes, you can complete the Ad Hoc Sale Proceeds Request Form and submit to the Credit Control and Supervision Department at our supervisory branch before T+2 12.00pm. Your dealer or remisier may submit the request on your behalf.
How can I opt out of the e-Payment service once its activated?
Resubmit the ESP Form to your dealer or remisier at any time. Alternatively, your dealer or remisier can submit the ESP Form on your behalf upon your instructions.
Can I sign up for ESP service if I am already using the Auto Trust Payment (ATP) service?
You may select only either ONE of these services offered by RHB. Your existing ATP service subscription will be revoked automatically upon activation of the ESP service.
Will there be any revisions to the ESP service or the ESP terms & conditions?
RHB may revise, amend, vary and/or modify the ESP service and its terms and conditions at any time, without assigning any reasons and without any prior notice.
How do I pay for share purchases / contra losses / outstanding charges?
i. Post / Deliver Cash or Cheque

You may post your cheque or deliver cash/cheque to your Dealer/Remisier or to our RHB Investment Bank Berhad Branches. Click HERE for the list of our branches.

ii. Direct Bank-in

You can make a direct payment into RHB Investment Bank Berhad’s account as below. All payments must be made payable to RHB Investment Bank Berhad. Kindly indicate your client code, contact number, contract number and the Bank Code on your deposit slip and fax it to your Dealer / Remisier. Do contact your Dealer / Remisier to inform him/her of the payment details.
What are the bank account details for direct bank-ins?
Northern Region | Central Region | Southern Region | East Coast | East Malaysia
What is Internet Banking (FPX)?
It is a facility that allows RHB Share Trading clients to transfer funds from their bank accounts to their Trading Account over the internet, saving them valuable time and resources.
Is the Internet Banking (FPX) Transfer facility available to all clients?
No, the facility is only available to RHB Share Trading online clients. Offline clients are not eligible for the service.
Are there any charges incurred for this facility?
Yes, each successful fund transfer is chargeable at RM0.70 per transaction. These charges are levied by the commercial banks.
How do I use the Internet Banking (FPX) facility?
There are two ways to carry out the funds transfer:

A) Via RHB Share Trading web:
  • Login with your RHB Share Trading and password at
  • Mouse over 'Portfolio' tab > Click on 'Internet Banking (FPX)'
  • Follow the instructions on the page

After I've made the online funds transfer, when will I receive the contract settlement?
Upon successful completion of the transaction, you are required to call your Dealer/Remisier for contract settlement.
How would I know if my online funds transfer session is successful?
Funds successfully transferred will only appear in your Trust Account after 5p.m. on the same day that you carried out the transfer. You can also check on the status of your online transaction by clicking on the Internet Banking (FPX) History button.
Is the Internet Banking (FPX) facility available 24 hours a day?
It's only available Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays), from 7a.m. to 5p.m.
Can online funds transfer be carried out through any bank account?
Currently, the facility is only available if you have online facilities with any of the following 6 banks:
Bank Islam, CIMB, Hong Leong Bank, Maybank, Public Bank, RHB
Is there a limit to the number of transactions that I can carry out each day?
There is no limit to the number of transactions you can carry out each day. However, the maximum allowable amount per transaction is RM30,000.00. Do check your daily internet transaction limit with your bank before proceeding with the transfer.
How much should I transfer?
You should ensure that the amount transferred is sufficient to cover the contract value and the transaction cost of RM 0.70. For example, if the contract value is RM1000.00, you should transfer RM1000.70 to the trust account.
Who can I contact if I have any problems using this facility?
You may call our Call Centre at 6 03-2330 8900 for assistance.
What are the regulations with regards to settlement time?
Buyer Securities Settlement
A buyer will have his CDS account credited by T+2. However, if a buyer fails to pay by 12.30pm on T+2, the company shall then "sell-out" the shares to cover his outlay on T+3.

Seller Securities Settlement
A seller's CDS account is debited by T+2. This also means that a seller’s account does not have to be in credit, at the point when he trades. However, he must have sufficient shares credit in his CDS account on T+1. To settle such trade, he can transfer the required shares into his account on T+1 day itself before 12.30pm.

If a seller fails to have his shares in his CDS account to settle a trade on T+1, his trade will fail and buying-in will be instituted against him on T+2.
Is the online funds transfer (Internet Banking - FPX) facility available 24 hours a day?
No, it's only available Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays), from 7a.m. to 5p.m.
When must payment be made for shares bought? What happens if I miss payments for shares purchased?
Payments can be made anytime within the 2 market days settlement period. However, all payments must reach us no later than 2 market days from the date of transaction by 12.30pm. If payment is not received by due date, the contract will be forced-sold by the company without notification.
When must payment be made for contra losses?
Payments for contra losses are to be settled within the grace period of three (3) market days from the day of sale. Interest would be charged if payments are made after the grace period.
I forgot my password, what should I do?
Users can either self reset the password at the RHB Share Trading website or contact the RHB Share Trading Call Center at 6 03 2330 8900.
What is the minimum age to open a trading account?
You need to be 18 years of age and above.
How do I change my PIN?
You may do so by contacting us at 6 03 2330 8900.
How do I update my email address or my contact number?
If you have online access to RHB Share Trading, you may change your email or your phone at the Edit Profile page once you login.
What types of trading accounts are available?
Collateralized trading account Buying limit is based on the shares and cash value in your trading account
Cash upfront trading account Buying limit is based on the cash in your trading account
My account is deactivated, what should I do?
Please contact your Dealer's Representative to perform an offline transaction and request for reactivation.
Can I open a joint online trading account?
In compliance with Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) rules and regulations, a joint or a partnership account is not permitted.
Can I open an account for someone else?
In compliance with Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) and Bursa Malaysia rules and regulations, you cannot apply or open a trading account on behalf of another person unless you are vested with the Power of Attorney.
Can I still open a RHB Share Trading account if I already have a trading account with another firm?
Yes, you can. You will have to open a trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad before you register with RHB Share Trading for online trading. At this moment, RHB Share Trading will be offered only if you open your account with RHB Investment Bank branches.
Do I need to open a CDS account to trade online?
Yes, you need to have a CDS account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad to trade online. There are two options - you may choose to open a CDS account under your own name or open a CDS account under RHB Nominees (a wholly owned subsidiary of RHB Investment Bank Berhad) favouring your name as the beneficial owner. Should you choose the latter, RHB Nominees will provide you nominee services which include application of rights issue, dividends, etc. at a nomimal fee. However, do take note that a CDS account under a Nominee Company name cannot be used for IPO applications. A charge of RM10.00 is levied by Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD) for the opening of a CDS account.
Can I link my CDS account from another Stockbroker to RHB Share Trading?
No, currently RHB Share Trading allows trading via accounts opened with RHB Investment Bank Berhad only.
Can a company open an online trading account?
No, unless the company submits a separate company resolution which is subject to management approval. You can refer to your dealer’s representative for more information.
Can I transfer my shares out from the RHB Nominee account to another CDS account?
You can only transfer your shares into your own CDS account. No third party transfer is allowed by Bursa Malaysia Depository (BMD).
Can I use my personal CDS account with RHB Investment Bank?
Yes, you need to inform your Dealer's Representative.
I've submitted my online trading application. What else should I do?
Our Dealer's Representative will call you to arrange for an appointment with you to complete the process of opening a trading account.
What is e-statement?
What is e-Statement?
It is an alternative delivery mode offered by RHB Investment Bank Berhad (“the Bank”) which enables you to receive your daily and monthly statements via e-mail.

What are the benefits of using e-Statement?
1. Access to your statement anytime and anywhere.
2. No more delays by postmen or mail wrongly delivered to wrong address.
3. Environmental friendly – You are helping to preserve the trees for the next generation.

How do I change to or apply for the e-Statement delivery mode?
If you are an online client, login to RHB Share Trading and click on Edit Profile, then click on Subscriptions. If you are not an online client, you may apply for an online account or complete the following document and submit the same to your Dealer’s Representatives:

1. Existing Clients
"Updating of Client’s Particular Form" - Select "Email only" under "Delivery of Contract Notes / Statements" section. Click here to download the form.

2. New Clients
"Account Opening Application Form" - Select "Email only" under "Delivery of Contract Notes / Statements" section.

When will I receive my e-Statement?
You will start receiving your statements in your email after one (1) working day upon submission of the relevant form to the Operations Department. As usual, if you are trading in stock exchanges in the similar time zone (e.g. Bursa Malaysia, SGX, HKEX, and etc), you will receive the statement on T+1 day. For stock exchanges under the Western Time Zone (e.g. NYSE, NASDAQ, and etc), you will receive the statement on T+2 day.

In the event that the e-Statement is not successfully delivered to you by T+1 day (T+2 day for foreign trade in the western time zone) due to invalid e-mail address or full mail box a hardcopy will be posted on the same day as usual in the normal postal delivery mode. Your Dealer’s Representatives shall contact you to validate your email address. Your trading account will be automatically suspended if your email address is not validated within 14 days.

How do I ensure that no other unauthorised persons access my e-Statement?
Your e-Statement is encrypted with a password. The password is your NRIC / Passport Number, or Company’s Registration Number (if you are an authorised recipient for your corporate account) without any symbols and spacing therein. Please be mindful that you shall not share your password and shall log off your terminal when you are not accessing it.

Can I opt to receive both hardcopy and e-Statement?
No, you shall opt for e-mail delivery mode only to be more meaningful in your save-the-green efforts.
How safe is online trading?
RHB Share Trading ensures a secured environment for data transmission with proven encryption technology using Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Firewall, PIN, user authentication and 128 bit encryption. In addition, monies and shares with RHB Investment Bank can only be paid or transferred to the account of the beneficial owner and are thus secured.
How do I ensure the security of my account?
It is advisable not to share your PIN (Personal Identification Number) and Password with anyone else. If you forget your PIN, please Contact Us.
What are the system requirements to access RHB Share Trading?
For RHB Share Trading web, any latest version of web browser is sufficient while it is advisable for Internet Explorer users to update your browser version to IE11 and above. If you are unable to update your Internet Explorer, please download the latest Google Chrome browser here.
What should I do if my PC/System is down and I need to place orders?
You can place your orders through your Dealer's Representative.
How do I download the app?
The RHB Share Trading Mobile app can be easily downloaded. Using your Android or iOS device (smartphone or tablet), go to Google Play store or iTunes and download the app. Once downloaded, RHB Share Trading customers can use the same login ID and password to access the new mobile app and trade as normal.
Can I download the app for my smart devices running on Windows?
No, the mobile app is for Android and iOS platforms only.
Where do I start? Is there a user guide available?
Yes, you may access the user guide here.
Can I use the app on 2 phones simultaneously?
You may download the app on 2 phones but can only access to one at any one time.
How often is the live price feed refreshed?
The live price feed is on real-time if you have configured your settings to receive real-time streaming. To configure your settings, please refer to the user guide here.
I can't login. What should I do?
Ensure that you've keyed in the correct password with shift-key or numericals correctly used. Try logging in through on your desktop. If this does not work, call our Call Centre at 03 - 2330 8900 for further assistance.
Which mobile version is compatible?
Android Version 8.1 and above or iOS Version 9 and above.
Can all RHB Investment bank clients use the app?
Once all RHBInvest clients migrated to RHB Share Trading system, they may continue trading by using the new RHB Share Trading mobile app.
Can I customise the colours or the font size?
At the moment, this function is not available.
Why can't I view the live price feed?
It may be caused by an outdated browser. Please ensure you are using an updated browser. You may also want to check the connection indicator located at the top right of RHB Share Trading. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our Call Centre at 603-2330 8900 or email to so they can help you troubleshoot further.
I lost my internet connection halfway through a transaction, how do I track it?
Once you are reconnected, you may check your Orders on the Order Status page. Alternatively, you may contact your Dealer's Representative by phone.
What happens if I fail to log in multiple times?
Your User ID and Password will be blocked after 3 unsuccessful log-on attempts. For immediate release of your ID and Password, please contact our Call Centre at 6 03 2330 8900.
I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
Access RHB Share Trading's login page and click on Forgot Your Password? link on the Login box.
How do I change my password?
Login to RHB Share Trading Web, click on Edit Profile link at the top right and go to the Pin & Password tab.
How do I open a futures trading account?
You may fill up online here and our Futures Broker’s Representative will assist you on opening the account.
If I am not a resident in Malaysia, can I open a Futures Trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad?
I am interested to know more about futures trading, what should I do?
What are the requirements to sign up for Futures Online Trading?
You must have an existing Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad, a valid email address registered with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
Can I apply for a Futures Online Trading account if I do not have any Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad?
Yes, but your online trading application will not be processed until you open a Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
How can I register for Futures Online Trading service?
Applying by clicking HERE, select "I have an existing Futures account and want to trade Futures online" and complete the online application process.

Alternatively, you may visit our nearest branch for further assistance.
Can I have more than one Futures Online Trading User ID?
No, each client can only apply for one (1) User ID for each Futures Online Trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
Can corporate clients subscribe for Futures Online Trading?
Yes, Futures Online Trading is available for all clients who have an active Futures trading account with RHB Investment Bank Berhad.
What is the trading platform for Futures Online trading?
Click here to find out more information on the trading platform we provide.
How do I download the Futures trading software into my PC?
You can download and install the Futures trading application software HERE. Please contact your Futures Broker's Representative for further assistance on the trading platform.
Are the futures quotes real time?
Yes, Futures price quotes are all live feeds that are updated in real time.
How can I keep my account safe?
Access to the trading screen is only available when you log-in using your Login Username and Password. Therefore, it is important that you DO NOT reveal your user details to anyone or allow another party to trade on your behalf. You must also remember to log-out after each session.
Can I access the futures online trading platform from overseas?
Yes, as long as you have internet access and the minimum system requirements are met.
When can I place my online futures order(s)?
The trading hours of the respective futures contracts would determine the time you can key in your orders. Please contact your Futures Broker’s Representative or visit the respective exchanges' websites for more information on the trading hours.
What is the status of my outstanding orders after the end of the day trading session?
All day orders submitted are only valid for one day/session. Orders which are not executed will be cancelled automatically at the end of each trading day/session.
Can I placed working order that continue working after end of the day trading session?
Yes, order validity changes to GTC (Good till cancel) and GTD (Good till date) will allow order to continue working after the day trading session. All RHB Investment Bank Futures Trading Platforms can perform GTC and GTD orders.
Is there a position limit or per order limit?
Yes, a default position and order limit for each client will be set by RHB Investment Bank. However, you can request for a higher position or order limit based on your risk tolerance. Note that all orders will first be filtered based on available margin in the client’s account.
Can I increase my position limit anytime?
No, you can only increase your position limit during normal office hours.
How can I check my current order status?
You can check your order status at the order log / status of the online trading platform. A contract note will be sent to you via normal mail or email on the following trading day.
Are there any membership fee and charges?
There is no membership fee or charges incurred to use the Futures Online Trading service. However, you may need to fulfill a certain trading volume criteria depending on the trading platform you choose.
What are the foreign futures products that I can trade?
Please check our latest foreign futures products here. You may also contact your respective Futures Broker's Representative (FBR) for further information.
What are the minimum system requirements for RHB QST, RHB Ayers GTS and RHB CQG?
Processor: Quad Core AMD or Intel i5 and above
Hard disk drive: 1GB of free HDD space
Operating system: Windows 7 and above
Google Chrome, Mozilla Fox & Microsoft Edge
What should I do if my PC / system is down and I need to place orders?
You can place your orders through your Future Broker's Representative or contact our Night Desk at 603 9200 6033.
I was disconnected from the internet in the middle of a transaction. What do I do next?
Please check the Order Status in your trading platform, or alternatively contact your Futures Broker's Representative for assistance.
What should I do if I forget my login username or password?
Please contact us at 03 - 2330 8900 to reset your password.
What happens if I fail to log in after a few attempts?
Your User ID and Password will be blocked after 3 unsuccessful log-on attempts. To reset your password, please contact us at 03 2330 8900.
What is CRS?
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is a global standard for automatic exchange of information (AEOI) on financial account information between the governments in order to combat offshore tax evasion and protect the integrity of taxation systems.

Over 100 countries/ jurisdictions, including Malaysia, have committed to CRS. You may view the full list of CRS participating jurisdictions at the OECD website.

CRS mandates financial institutions located in a CRS participating jurisdiction such as RHB Banking Group (RHB) to:
  1. Identify and collect relevant information regarding customer’s tax residency status; and
  2. Report financial account information held by the customers who are tax residents in other reportable jurisdictions to the local tax authority. The information will be exchanged annually by the local tax authority with the relevant tax authorities in other participating jurisdictions.

Financial institutions in CRS participating jurisdictions including Malaysia-based Financial Institutions (e.g. RHB) are obliged to comply with the CRS requirements.
When will the requirements take effect?
The Income Tax (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information) Rules 2016 was gazetted on 23 December 2016 and takes effect from 1 July 2017.

All Malaysia-based Financial Institutions ("MYFI") are required to collect CRS self-certification form from all its customers with effect from 1 July 2017 and to report the required information to the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM) on or before 30 June 2018.
Is it applicable to me or my organisation?
CRS impacts both individual and legal entity customers with foreign tax residency status. All customers will need to self-declare their tax residency status with RHB.
What should I do if CRS is applicable to me or my organisation?
RHB is obliged to request a new customer to provide completed Self-Certification Forms on customer's tax residency status and supporting documents that comprise the tax residency information (e.g. tax identification number) with effect from 1 July 2017. For certain types of entity customers (Passive Non-Financial Entity or Investment Entity managed by another Financial Institution in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction), the customer is required to disclose the identity of individuals who exercise control over the entity, trust or legal arrangement.

For existing RHB customers, we will reach out to you for a Self-Certification Form if further clarification on your tax residency information is required.

Please take note that RHB is not in the position to advice you on your tax residency status or classification. You may consult your tax advisor on the tax residency status.
What is my tax residency?
Tax residence is defined as the resident country's local tax laws and therefore may vary from country to country. In general, tax residence is the country in which you live. Special circumstance may cause you to have tax residence in more than one country at the same time, e.g. dual residence. You may check the OECD website on the respective countries / jurisdictions' Tax Identification Number (TIN) structure and rules. Please confirm your tax residency with your tax advisor.
I live in Malaysia where I am a local tax resident so why do I need to give you these details in the Self-Certification Forms?
As a Financial institution, RHB is legally required to establish the tax residency status of all its customers, even if you are a local tax resident in Malaysia. However, at present, IRBM would not require the reporting of your details (i.e. a local tax resident) for CRS purposes, unless you self-declared that you are a tax residency.
What happens if I don't have a tax identification number (TIN)?
You may leave the TIN blank but you will need to indicate the reason for not obtaining a TIN. A list of reasons will be pre-printed in the Self-Certification Form (e.g. minor, student, housewife, country does not have TIN, etc.).
Are there any consequences for incorrect certification?
Yes. It is an offence under section 113A of the Malaysia Income Tax Act, 1967 if any person, in making a self-certification, provides incorrect information in the Self-Certification Form. Such offence is punishable with a fine (between RM20,000 and RM100,000) or imprisonment (for a term not exceeding 6 months) or both.
What will happen if I/ my organisation refuses to disclose the required information?
You can check your order status at the order log / status of the online trading platform. A contract note will be sent to you via normal mail or email on the following trading day.
If I am or my organisation is a resident of a non-CRS participating country / jurisdiction, will my information still be collected?
Malaysia has adopted a wider approach for CRS, which requires financial institutions to collect information of all customers with non-Malaysia tax residency. RHB will only report information of customers who are tax residents in other jurisdictions that have signed bilateral agreement with Malaysia.
What do I or my organisation have to do if there is any change in tax residency details?
For any changes of tax residency details or CRS status, the customer is required to inform and update RHB by providing a new Self-Certification Form to RHB within 30 days from the date of change.
What information will be reported to Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM)?
Under CRS, the details to be reported include customers' tax residency details and financial account information (i.e. balance/value and the total amounts of payment credited to their respective financial accounts).
Will my account information in the bank's possession be publicly available?
No. The reportable information will be made available to IRBM. IRBM will then share these information with the respective countries' tax authorities based on the customer's reported foreign tax residency(ies) information and provided that the country has signed the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Malaysia. It is expected that Malaysia's selected partnering countries will have a strong rule of law in place to ensure confidentiality of information exchanged, and will not subject to unauthorised access or misuse.
I have a trust, will my information be reportable, to whom and how?
You are required to provide the bank the tax residency information of the trust's relevant parties (i.e. the settlor(s), the trustee(s), the protector(s) (if any), the beneficiary(ies) or class(es) of beneficiaries, and any other natural person(s) exercising ultimate effective control over the trust, as required).
The information which I or my organisation have provided for under FATCA is similar to the information requested for CRS purposes, so why is this different?
FATCA is a US Legislation requiring RHB to identify US Persons and report in line with the FATCA regulations, based on the citizenship of the customer. Whereas, CRS requires RHB to identify the tax residency of all our customers and to report information to IRBM on customers who are having tax residency of another country.

Notwithstanding that if you have already provided information under the United States Government's Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA"), you are still required to provide the additional information for CRS as these are governed under different regulations /jurisdiction with different requirements.
Where can I find out more about the CRS?
Further information can be obtained on CRS at the OECD website or the IRBM website.